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A Most Inconvenient Marriage by Regina Jennings Review

Tara Joy Larrick

**This post may contain sponsor, affiliate, and/or referral links. I have been given A Most Inconvenient Marriage by Regina Jennings free of charge in exchange for this review. However, the opinions in this post are my own. For more information please read my full disclosure statement here. **

If you read my 5 Reasons You Should Read Books post then you know I absolutely LOVE reading.

It is one of my favorite pass times and my way to unwind at night. When I was accepted into the Bethany House Publishers Blogging Program this past month I was extremely excited! They have a slew of Christian Fiction and Nonfiction books that I am interested in, and the first book they sent me to review is A Most Inconvenient Marriage by Regina Jennings, which far exceeded my expectations!

A Most Inconvenient Marriage By Regina Jennings opens in a St. Louis war prison in 1865 where Abigail Stuart, a nurse, has use accepted a proposal from Captain Jeremiah Calhoun on his death bed to guarantee that his horse farm and ailing sister would be taken care of properly. A truly for convenience opportunity since she had no where to go after the war ended and her patient needing someone he could trust to look after his affairs. So Abigail makes the leap and travels to Calhoun's farm 300 miles away in Hart County, Missouri. She is immediately loved by Jeremiah's ma, after a few weeks his sister is finally warming up to her and she has become much needed on the farm. Everything is going swimmingly when the REAL Captain Jeremiah Calhoun rides home, very much alive.

A for-convenience marriage quickly becomes a very inconvenient one.

You know you have a great book when you are hooked by the beginning of the first chapter! A Most Inconvenient Marriage was such a well rounded book with interwoven mystery, romance, friendship and suspense. The imagery allowed me to imagine the scenes unfold in my head without difficultly and my heart pulled and tugged with every feeling the characters felt. I truly was able to place myself in the story which, for me, is what a book for entertainment should do.

Though, there was vocabulary such as bushwhacker and other farm/of the time references that I was unfamiliar with and the ending was predictable, I still absolutely loved getting to know the characters back stories, watch the relationships develop and discover events that I could not have foreseen. This was a book that I most definitely could not put down!

I would most definitely recommend A Most Inconvenient Marriage by Regina Jennings to anyone who enjoys an easily read story filled with love, whit, adventure and underlying lessons of the importance of making an effort to hold family and friendships dear.




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