I am SO excited to announce that I am apart of the Choosing Him All Over Again Launch Team helping Juana Mikels spread the word of her wonderful book!

Choosing Him All Over Again will be released on
January 5th, 2015!
Come January I will be posting my review of her book which will be apart of the Choosing Him Blog Tour!!!
Having read an advanced copy already I can tell you that this book will be such a blessing to your marriage when you Choose Your Husband All Over Again!!
With Christmas coming up this would be the best gift to yourself and your husband!
Juana's book is on PRE-ORDER right now!
Go download her Ebook that just released!

About the book: Choosing Him All Over Again includes strikingly honest accounts of Mikels' personal experience of separation from her husband and their ultimate reconciliation. Mikels offers wives 11 checkpoints for refreshing any marriage including saying 'I love you' daily, not bringing up past failures and praying for your husband every day. The book provides free resources like prayers Mikels prays for her husband, a note to Christian women married to unbelievers or married to Christian men who are not acting as believers should and access to a FREE downloadable companion Bible study guide.
