I don't know about you, but for me these abrupt weather changes really hit me. If it goes cold to warm suddenly (as it often does where we currently live) I get hit with small colds. They really put a damper on my day and week. So I created a smoothie, that really works in helping expedite the cold out of my system! And it is quite delicious!
Kick Your Cold Smoothie: (Makes 1 Smoothie)
Small Handful of Kale or Spinach
1 Carrot Chopped
1 Banana
4 Strawberries
2 tablespoons Almonds
3/4 cup orange juice
1/4-1/2 water (or until desired consistency)
Place all ingredients (except water) in your blender or Vitamix. Turn on to 1 then up to level 10. If yours has a high level, then flip that on. Blend until it is smooth, if it is too thick add 1/4 cup water at a time until you reach the consistency you want.
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