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  • Tara Joy Larrick

Make the Perfect VALENTINE'S DAY Mugs!

Valentine's Day is this weekend!


My hubby and I don't usually do much for Valentines Day, but I have decided to surprise him with these!!

(Don't worry he hardly ever reads my blog! -- of course this may be the first time, but I thought I would risk it! haha Hubby- Just pretend you are surprised love!)

My love and I have always said to each other, forever and always my baby you'll be :)

(Tell me what book its from in the comments!)

And I thought it would be special to make matching mugs with our anniversary date and special saying on them!

They are so easy and inexpensive to make!

Here is How To Make The Perfect Valentine's Day Mugs!

1. Go to the dollar store and pick up 2 ceramic coffee mugs.

(Yep! Just $2 right there!)

3. Grab some colored Sharpies. Write or Draw whatever is meaningful to your significant other and you, and let dry for a full day. (If you mess up, don't sweat! Wipe off with a Magic Eraser, wipe dry and try again!)

4. Place the mugs in the oven and turn the heat to 350 degrees. Let it bake for 30 minutes, then turn off the heat and let cool in the oven.

5. Fill with your Loves favorite chocolate or candy and there you go! (My hubby loves the Raspberry candies but unfortunately they don't sell them in our town :( So I settled on Marshmallow Chocolate)

Voila! The Perfect Matching Valentine's Day Mugs,

because it reminds you both of your special moments together.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Your Turn: What Are You Doing For Valentine's Day This Year?

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