Happy New Year!
I hope you had a fun New Year! My family was in bed by 10 PM because a parents work is never done, and my son likes to wake up early to start the day!
I know it definitely sounds kind of lame, but I do not mind it one bit!
What did you do for New Years Eve? (Comment below!)
I wanted to start off by saying I am SO sorry that this past week has been the most inconsistent with blogging and posting Facebook/Twitter etc. My computer charger broke and I had to order a new one which came today! I have had to use my husbands computer..but all of my files are on my very dead laptop. It was a nice break, but I have hated not getting the posts out when they normally do.
Everything will be back to normal next week, I promise!
Being that it is the beginning of a new year, it is the start of the New Year RESOLUTIONS! Yep! I know everyone else is posting theirs and I am too! Its because you all will be my accountability!
I firmly believe that it is so much harder to achieve a goal when no one knows about it, because there isn't anyone to cheer you on or hold you accountable when you don't feel like doing it.
My Resolutions
I have 4 main Resolutions. They are achievable and specific, that way I am not overwhelmed by them. These are things that I will be working hard to achieve, yet are things that I can easily add into my day. (Making resolutions that are unrealistic just set you up for failure)
I also included my goals for each so that I can really do things to accomplish them!
1. Limiting Facebook/Social Media to 30 minutes per day, only for blog purposes.
Schedule Social Media Posts for blog --so I only have to connect with you on S.M. instead of worrying about other stuff!
Sign out of Social Media on my phone -- this is a huge one because this will stop me from even getting on!
No scrolling! -- only on to respond to my lovely readers and stay in touch with my online bible studies!
2. Physical Activity (Yoga/Mud Runner Training) 3 times per week + More Fruits and Veggies in my diet.
Yoga 3 times per week.
Find MudRunner and start training with my hubby.
Use Vitamix daily for healthy veggie/fruit smoothies.
3. Practice French Every Day
1 Small Speaking Exercise Every Day
Grammar activities (from my book) 3x per week.
Create French Friday videos once a week.
List of 10 new vocab words or phrases a week.
4. Reset Priorities:
God: Start and end my day with prayer and bible study.
My Husband: Love Dare Challenge -- and complete it! & Focus on the amazing qualities of my husband more than nagging about the bad ones.)
My Son: Be more present during play time with him.
They may not be crazy elaborate or too far outside of what I am already doing now, but they are goals and resolutions that I can achieve in this new year.
It is also important to remember if you haven't written down your resolutions yet, that these are things that you work on and toward during the whole year. It is a marathon, not a sprint so if you don't accomplish one during one week don't fret! Just KEEP GOING because that is what matters! You will only make progress if you continually try!
Your Turn: What are your New Years Resolutions and how will you work to accomplish them??